Careers staff at Rydal Penrhos continue to assist Sixth Form pupils with preparations for life after school and the next stage of their journey.
Here at Rydal Penrhos we know that life is only just beginning when you leave school at 18. A vital part of what we offer to our Sixth Form pupils is information evenings, masterclasses and one-to-one tutorials to support them with whatever journey they decide to take next, be it advice on gap years, apprenticeships, joining the services or mock interview and personal statements for university application.
Almost all Rydal Penrhos pupils proceed to higher education, either immediately after the summer they leave school, or after a gap year. In August 2020, 48 pupils out of 51 decided to proceed to university and 82% of them secured their first-choice.
If university is the path they wish to follow, we offer all of our Sixth Form pupils guidance in applying to their chosen destinations. We pride ourselves on providing close and expert support throughout the UCAS application process. This enables pupils to focus on their A-levels, making sure they never find their exciting first steps towards life beyond school a burden.
This year, given the unprecedented times, Head of Careers Mike Farnell along with the normal Careers Programme has also set-up a series of virtual seminars.
The first session was from RAF Pilot and current parent Jonathan Skinner on his path into the profession and what the process involves for anyone looking to pursue this avenue in the years to come.
Oxbridge hopefuls got a taste of what college life might be like at Oxford University’s virtual Open Day, with Lancaster University also lending their support to the programme with an Economics taster via Microsoft Teams.
Another informative session was provided by a Canadian University for those pupils looking to continue their studies abroad, and the Russell Group’s online Open Day was another highly beneficial experience earlier this week.
With the thought firmly in our minds that it is never too early to prepare we also included our Year 10 and 11 pupils who wish to pursue a possible Oxbridge place in the coming years in a virtual session on getting ready for a Cambridge University application.
Click to read Careers Programme 2020
Rydal Penrhos is now able to offer private tours to prospective pupils and their families.
For more information email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com, call 01492 530155 or book online at https://rydal.wpengine.com/open-days-visits.