We are providing full day care for children of keyworkers. The government has published a list of keyworkers which can be found at this link: keyworker list
Currently we are open 8.30am-5.30pm and are providing snacks, lunch and a hot tea. It is essential that you inform us each day whether your child will be attending the next day. Please phone the Prep school on 01492 530381 or email prep@rydalpenrhos.com
We have the ability to open earlier (from 7am) or stay later (to 10pm) if you are critical front line staff with a changing shift pattern. Please request this as above.
We will be opening all the way through the school holidays including weekends and bank holidays for keyworker children. There will be no charge for this service. We understand that shift patterns can change rapidly but again would ask that you let us know about your child attending school as soon as you yourself know.
We are practising social distancing at school but it is not practical to keep young children at a 2-metre distance so there will be some instances of closer contact. We are carefully sterilising the environment each day and taking the temperature of all staff and pupils upon arrival.
We are able to provide a bus to and from school for pupils whose keyworker parents are unable to do this; again please book this with the office.
Our remote learning system is up and running and our teachers will continue to set work throughout the holidays, we are here to help you. Please direct all academic enquiries to your child’s teachers via the systems already given out: https://rydal.wpengine.com/covid-19-closure-a-message-from-prep-school-head-mrs-davies/
Best wishes,
Mrs L Davies
(on behalf of the whole school leadership team)