As President of the Methodist Conference, I am writing to thank you for all you are doing as parents, teachers, governors, chaplains and support staff in our Methodist Schools.
The Methodist Church has always been proud of its schools and no more so than in this present crisis. We know that, as always, you all have the wellbeing of children at your heart and will consistently go ‘the extra mile’ to give them not only a good education, but a sense of belonging and value.
Through you, they achieve not only their potential but also a positive view of the world. This commitment has had to stretch to new limits in recent days as you have been required to make difficult decisions swiftly and provide resources in different ways.
In all this, you continue to embody the grace which is the core of our Methodist heritage. Thank you!
Please let us know if there are any practical things we can do to support you. There are regular prayers on the President and Vice President of the Methodist Church Facebook page and we would be delighted if you be-friended us in this virtual world.
With the help of the Connexional team, we are also planning to initiate a writing competition for children – we will let you know more details in due course.
Meanwhile, a heartfelt thank you to everyone and many blessings for Easter, even now we are joined in new life and fresh hope as we journey together.
The Vice President, Professor Clive Marsh and I will continue to hold you all in our prayers.
With many blessings,
Rev Dr Barbara Glasson
President of the Methodist Conference