Enrichment Focus: Pre-U Mandarin
February 4, 2020

This special series features a more in-depth look at the wealth of enrichment opportunities available at Rydal Penrhos Senior School throughout the spring term.

Tuesday: Pre-U Mandarin

Miss Jane Simpkins

Cambridge Pre-U Mandarin Chinese equips those learning Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language with the skills to operate in a Chinese environment.

As well as allowing learners to develop their language skills, the syllabus fosters an awareness of Chinese culture and history and equips learners with a range of skills for careers in business, education and the arts.

Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world.

Business people who speak Mandarin have a huge advantage in tapping into the Chinese market. It is much easier to develop all-important relationships if you can speak Mandarin.

China and Taiwan offer exciting travel opportunities. Getting around is much easier if you can speak Mandarin.

With thousands of years of history, Chinese culture is endlessly fascinating.

Whether your interests are in history, architecture, music, or cuisine, a knowledge of Mandarin will enrich your understanding of Chinese culture.