By providing opportunities for pupils to develop their problem-solving and investigative skills we expand their understanding of mathematics in a meaningful context, showing how it relates to life outside of school.
There is no doubt that the possession of some mathematical knowledge provides an important key to understanding the world in which we live since it occurs in one form or another in so many different aspects of our lives. Simple things like doing the weekly shopping, checking our pay-slips at the end of the month, consulting a rail or bus timetable, timing a procedure or even reading a newspaper can all involve an element of mathematical knowledge.
Mathematics is taken by all students at Key Stage 3 and GCSE level, where all pupils take the linear IGCSE Mathematics course, an internationally recognised alternative to GCSE, using the Edexcel examination board. Typically, top sets are accelerated to IGCSE early, and then tackle the more demanding WJEC Additional Mathematics course, in order to better prepare for Sixth Form courses.
Teaching staff have adopted an innovative and up to date scheme to support the delivery of an interactive and stimulating mathematics programme across the Prep School.
Our daily lessons are supported with specific online games that can be accessed at home. Children are taught maths in their class groups except on a Wednesday when they are grouped by ability across the age ranges.
This ‘Focus Maths’ session enables us to extend our more-able Mathematicians with tasks and activities suited to their specific level. We are also able to support children with a tailored approach to their mathematical learning needs.