Mrs Davies’ daily blog: May 1
May 4, 2020

Rydal Penrhos Daily Notes – May 1

Day 30 – 8 pupils, 8 staff

The photo of yesterday’s messy table sparked an unprecedented clean up at 8.30am and the teachers were exhausted before Joe Wicks even got going with his fancy dress Friday PE session!

The senior school pupils had made themselves scarce pretty quickly with murmurings of form periods! It was left to Professor McGonagall to lead the younger ones through their paces.

It was good to see that it wasn’t just our teachers who suffer fancy dress wardrobe malfunctions, Joe Wicks himself spent the entire session using one arm to hold his knight’s costume away from his beard as it appeared to be giving him static shocks!

Mrs Merrick (Professor McGonagall) was quietly smirking that she had not gone for the 100% polyester option for her costume!

When daily lessons were finally over the pupils spent some time making up their own version of different games. The most successful was indoor golf.

Keyworker Childcare, Rydal Penrhos

It is surprisingly difficult to achieve ‘par 3’ around a series of cushions and into a pen pot with a ping pong ball!

The skill level increased as the noise level went down and extreme concentration could be seen…this game is thoroughly recommended for home use when a moment of quiet is required.

Well done girls, another game to add to our list of possible rainy day occupations!

Warning: only putting allowed, definitely no tee shots!

Mrs L Davies

Head of Prep