Rydal Penrhos Prep School head Lucy Davies returns with her weekly thoughts after another busy few days across the site.
Rydal Penrhos Prep School has been awash with pupils trying to complete challenges this week…some very strange challenges!
Can you say Do, Re, Mi forwards and backwards? Yes!
Can you carry a glass of water on your back without any spilling? Yes…well nearly!
Can you eat all of your school dinner and all of your home dinner? Yes 70%, No 30% (the broccoli proved a stumbling point for some!!)
Can you pass a ball using only your feet from one box to another using everyone in your class? Yes…but only after many, many attempts!
And this weekend’s challenge will surely drive all parents crazy…can you make a stack of cards using 15 cards in 3 layers?
Why all these challenges? We can blame a certain popular TV programme being held very close to our school. Our House Captains have suggested a similar series of challenges for our own interpretation, ‘I’m a pupil, get me out of here!’.
Well, we’re one week down and pupils have made a great start in their attempt to reach 100 house points and face the final challenge – ‘Escape from the Cellar’.
Fantastic learning and fun for the pupils but quite excruciating to organise with COVID restrictions in place…bush tucker trials especially…no, we can’t all pass a lemon from mouth to mouth, no we can’t put our hands in spaghetti and jelly, no we definitely can’t find out how many pupils can squash into the lost property cupboard!
As you can see from the video though the sense of achievement gained from working together is immense, I think this was very much the tenth attempt by Year 4 to pass the ball.
School is about more than academic work, it’s about being happy to try new things and happy to be part of a team…and subsequently happy and ready to learn! Keep up the challenges!
Mrs L Davies
Head of Rydal Penrhos Prep
Rydal Penrhos Stars of the Week
- Reception – Henry
- Year 1 – Isla
- Year 2 – Ollie
- Year 3 – Holly
- Year 4 – Clara
- Year 5 – Steffan
- Year 6 – Harper
Artist of the Week – Ela
Performer of the Week – Oscar