Mrs Davies’ Thoughts from the Prep School: 2 October
October 2, 2020

Rydal Penrhos Prep School head Lucy Davies returns with her weekly thoughts, with the topic of the School Council at the forefront of her mind.

Having established our Rydal Penrhos Prep School Council, house representatives, eco committee and monitors last week we have started to meet this week in a bubble friendly series of meetings.

Nothing is too serious for our pupils when it comes to representation, even the five-year-olds arrive at the meeting with solemn faces and hushed voices, ready to represent their classmates in the serious business of school improvement decision making!

A long tradition of pupil leadership has led to this reverence and the pupils are well aware of how things happen and that everything is done just like the ‘real world’ as one pupil put it today.

Today we learnt the alternative meaning for the word ‘minutes’ and by the end of the meeting, we knew what ‘matters arising’ and ‘actions’ are.

I’m not sure that the younger members fully understood this but they certainly know that the shiny badge on their jumper means something. Only two had forgotten to wear their badge and they both immediately blamed their mum!

A little more work to do on taking responsibility then!

The photograph shows our Deputy Head Boy, Gethin and Deputy Head Girl, Emily, leading the first meeting of our school monitors; lots to discuss, minute and put onto their online ‘team’.

Mrs L Davies

Head of Rydal Penrhos Prep

Stars and Artist of the Week


Rydal Penrhos is now able to offer socially distanced tours to prospective pupils and their families.

For more information email admissions@rydalpenrhos.comprep@rydalpenrhos.com or book online at https://rydal.wpengine.com/open-days-visits.