This week has seen an even wider range of experiences than usual. After the School Council led a very successful Fun Fifties event for Children in Need last week it was the turn of our school Eco Committee this week to lead a school initiative.
They launched our response to ‘Switch Off Fortnight’ in an assembly on Wednesday. They wrote and led the assembly themselves (under the tutelage of chief Eco Warrior Mrs Woodthorpe of course) and explained to the children how switching off lights and other electrical appliances is directly linked to helping stop climate change.
If you would like to continue this good work at home more information can be found at https://jointhepod.org/campaigns/switch-off-fortnight-2019.
Our youngest pupils also had their own leading initiative this week when they took part with gusto in their ‘Fairytale Ball’. Pre-school and Reception pupils and teachers dressed up as their favourite fairytale character and led activities that their character is famous for.
Little Red Riding Hood was trying to outwit the fox (we didn’t have a wolf!) and several Elsas were spotted discussing how to turn things into snow and ice. What a fantastic amount of talk was generated through this creative play, getting ready to write it all down one day as their skills progress!
Reverend Sissons continued our religious studies link visits this week with a trip to Llandudno Junction Mosque with year 6 pupils.
He writes: ‘This is the 11th year that the school has visited and once again Mohamed the Imam welcomed us in and gave us a detailed talk about his faith and what it is that Muslims believe and practice. As a special gift before we left the Imam wrote out everybody’s name in Arabic for them to take away.’ Our pupils enjoyed adding to their knowledge of faith and belief systems and understanding a little more about a religion which several of our school families belong to.
Our book fair, which has been open for five school days, closed yesterday after a flurry of last-minute buying! Thank you to everyone who supported this event, we will be ordering our school voucher books this week and they will be on display very soon.
Can I also say a huge big thank you to all of the parents who gave up several hours of their time to run the book fair sessions; without you, it wouldn’t have been possible!
Yesterday many Year 6 families attended the very enjoyable ‘Into Year 7 event’ led by our Senior School prefects in the Memorial Hall. Pupils and parents were able to hear how Rydal Penrhos has been both important and influential in the lives of our oldest pupils and, indeed, helped shaped who they are today. Inspirational indeed!
Our Year 6 pupils will be visiting the senior school next week as part of our transition to Secondary School programme – looking at skills they will all need regardless of their next school destination.
Best wishes for a great weekend,
Mrs L Davies
Head of Prep