Mrs Roberts’ Pre-School blog: February 14
February 14, 2020

Pre-School head Louise Roberts brings us an account of a very busy few days at the department in her weekly blog, which saw the youngest members of the Rydal Penrhos community continue their space topic.

Planets and UFOs

Our Pre-School children found out what UFO stands for to start off another busy week of activities to further boost their initial development.

They counted and compared using pictures from the solar system and made a collage of a UFO or an alien using regular 2D shapes.

They looked at pictures of the planets and talked about their characteristics, asking some very informative questions that ignited their curiosity.

The children played with moons and planets (balls and hoops) and spherical beads to make some very eye-catching planet necklaces.

Another exciting creativity activity they enjoyed was creating their very own aliens from boxes and other materials, in addition to making space patterns from the information acquired so far.

We were fortunate with the weather during our Forest School session, which was once again fun-filled and productive.

The children also got the chance to participate in literacy and numeracy improvement, in addition to other small group tasks to round off a very successful half term.

Enjoy the break,

Mrs L Roberts

Pre-School department head