We caught up with members of Year 7 at Rydal Penrhos to find out what they’ve thought of their time in the senior school so far.
Fourth up in this new series is Finlay Perry, who is a member of Payne House at Rydal Penrhos and is a new arrival to the school having joined in September.
He has thrown himself into every opportunity available, and also started his own Debate Club entitled ‘Put it to the Pupils’.
How have you found your first year at Rydal Penrhos senior school?
What are the main differences between primary/prep and senior?
More responsibility. More Freedom. More fun lessons. Enrichment. Better teachers. Better food. Better everything.
How much support did you receive from the staff?
All the support. They have been really kind and helpful to everyone in my class.
Have older members of the school community (Sixth Form) been helpful?
Yes, I’ve made really good friends with a few of them, and they are like the teachers a bit. They are really helpful, kind, and supportive. They and the teachers have all inspired me to be a much nicer person.
Favourite lessons?
Science, Maths, Food Studies, History, Geography, Music, Drama, Swimming, basically everything except PE.
Favourite memory?
I don’t know. I’ve had so many fun experiences with my friends that they all kind of blur together. If I had to pick one though, it would probably be when I went go-karting with David, Orest, and Oleg.
How did you find online learning during the lockdown?
Very easy, good to learn. No substitute for real face to face learning, and being able to see and talk to my friends in real life. Plus there are a lot of fun lessons such as swimming, or water sports that we couldn’t do.
Rydal Penrhos is now able to offer socially distanced tours to prospective pupils and their families. For more information email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or book online at https://rydal.wpengine.com/open-days-visits.