My first year at Rydal Penrhos senior: Keira
July 14, 2020

We caught up with members of Year 7 at Rydal Penrhos to find out what they’ve thought of their time in the senior school so far.

Fifth up in this new series is Keira Luke, who is a member of Payne House and has made a smooth transition from Rydal Penrhos Prep School.

Keira is following in the footsteps of brother Ewan Luke, who left the school last summer after a hugely successful stint at Rydal Penrhos that included national sailing squad selections.

How have you found your first year at Rydal Penrhos senior school?

I have had loads of fun, learnt lots and had a great time.

What are the main differences between primary/prep and senior?

In senior school, we have much more room to be independent and there are way more options for extra-curricular activities.

How much support did you receive from the staff?

Quite a bit at the start of the year and enough at the moment.

Have older members of the school community (Sixth Form) been helpful?

Yes, the peer mentor lunches were very helpful.

Favourite lessons?

I would have to say that my favourite lessons are probably Spanish, Physical Education, Science or Food Studies.

Favourite memory?

Playing hockey with my friends or going to the theatre.

How did you find online learning during the coronavirus lockdown?

I found it okay, but I really missed seeing my friends at school.

Rydal Penrhos is now able to offer socially distanced tours to prospective pupils and their families. For more information email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com, prep@rydalpenrhos.com or book online at https://rydal.wpengine.com/open-days-visits.