We caught up with members of Year 7 at Rydal Penrhos to find out what they’ve thought of their time in the senior school so far.
Third up in this new series is Kenan Buckley, who is a member of Osborn House at Rydal Penrhos and is a new arrival to the school having joined in September.
He fitted into his peer group seamlessly during his first few months at school, and he seems to have loved every minute of being part of the senior school community.
How have you found your first year at Rydal Penrhos senior school?
I have found it great and I loved it. When I started, I was a bit nervous but then I made lots of friends.
What are the main differences between primary/prep and senior?
The main difference is that you must walk to a different lesson, whereas in primary school you stay in one class most of the time.
How much support did you receive from the staff?
I received tonnes of support from the staff for settling in and during my lessons.
Have older members of the school community (Sixth Form) been helpful?
Yes, my peer mentor has helped me a lot throughout my first year of school.
Favourite lessons?
I would have to say that English, Science and Food Studies are my favourites.
Favourite memory?
While walking to a lesson I was having a laugh with my friends and I loved it.
How did you find online learning?
I have found online learning during the lockdown okay, and the teachers have helped a lot in the lessons