A crowdfunding page set up by Rydal Penrhos for their PPE production project has exceeded its target.
The school’s design technology teacher Mark Harmsworth, together with technician James Bonser and Sixth Form pupil Jamie Lavery, have been making protective masks since the coronavirus closure to assist in the fight against Covid-19.
Hundreds of masks have already been distributed to NHS staff and other keyworker facilities across the region, and they recently increased production to 100 masks per day after acquiring five additional 3D printers, giving them six to utilise for the project.
Rydal Penrhos will be covering the majority of the cost, but the school set up a donations page for anyone wishing to contribute.
The initial £2,500 target has now been reached thanks to an incredible response from the school and wide community.
A total of £2,521 has been raised so far, which equates to 1,008 protective masks.
Senior School head Sally Ann Harding, said: “We would like to thank every single person that has donated to our PPE production project. It will go a long way to ensuring our NHS staff and critical keyworkers across the region get the equipment they need during this trying time.
“Much has been made of the lack of PPE across the country, so we felt obliged to put our facilities to good use and do whatever we can to make this situation easy for people that are doing an exceptional job under strenuous circumstances.”
Anyone with any materials to spare can email SJames@rydalpenrhos.com with the relevant information.
Those requiring PPE can also email Miss James with their specific request.
Those wishing to donate to the project can do so here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/sarah039s-campaign-for-rydal-penrhos-limited.