Prep Awards: March 19
March 20, 2020

A host of Rydal Penrhos Prep School pupils have been rewarded for their outstanding work thanks to an ongoing initiative.

As part of the school’s achievement scheme, pupils across all age groups were selected for accolades in recognition of their academic and extra-curricular efforts throughout the week.

The worthy recipients received their respective awards from Head of Prep Lucy Davies at Rydal Penrhos’ weekly Celebration Assembly on Thursday, March 19.

Stars of the Week:

  • William Oliver

  • Hania Ffowcs-Williams

  • Archie Green

  • Ella Craig

  • Oscar Jewsbury

  • James Davies

  • Cameron Pye

Hannah Pittaway and Eglantine Chasteau played a fantastic version of Mary had a Little Lamb on the recorder, and they received a generous round of applause on their way to the Performer of the Week distinction.