Prep School to hold virtual VE Day street party
May 7, 2020

Rydal Penrhos Prep School pupils and staff have been busy planning ahead of a landmark event to commemorate Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender to end World War Two.

The Rydal Penrhos community will join together for a virtual street party to celebrate VE Day on Friday, May 8 at 3pm.

During the week, each pupil has been learning about what the historical significance of the significant date in 1945 and have been preparing in earnest for the party, which will be held in their gardens due to social distancing measures relating to the coronavirus pandemic.

The pupils have been tasked to make a red, white and blue table decoration and party hat and at 3pm they will join their class for a Teams online ‘lesson’.

Their teacher will then move around each pupil to drop into their own family street party. All the pupils will also be wearing their school uniform to remember the men and women in the armed forces and emergency services who celebrated VE Day in 1945.

Prep School head Lucy Davies, said: “We are asking families to take a photo of their street party and email it into us to form part of a large display in the Prep School entrance celebrating both VE day and also our school families and community.”

Anyone wishing to send in pictures can do so by emailing LDavies@rydalpenrhos.com and a full gallery will be published on our website next week.