More than a quarter of Rydal Penrhos’ Year 13 group are looking to continue the school’s rich history of successful Oxbridge applicants next summer.
Head of Careers Mike Farnell revealed that over 25 per cent of pupils are applying for Oxbridge places this year, with Rydal Penrhos’ exceptional teaching staff playing a leading role in advising and guiding during the application process ahead of the 15 October deadline.
Three pupils have applied for Medicine, with others looking to study History, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics and Law.
The latest batch of hopefuls are looking to follow in the footsteps of past pupils who have also achieved the same feat, with Edward Patrick and Cassie Parry being the latest after gaining the necessary grades to confirm their Oxbridge places earlier this summer.
And in recent years, Ben Gibson, Imogen Camp and Elinor Davies, who spent almost the entirety of their education at Rydal Penrhos also moved on to Oxbridge and are further proof of what an all-round education at the school can provide from an academic perspective.
Preparations are now well underway for the current Year 12 group in terms of university preparation. They are currently receiving career lessons weekly ahead of some big decisions, which includes specific time to begin preparing for their respective Oxbridge applications.
In addition to these sessions, the school has also put on a virtual Careers Programme that has enlisted the help of some prestigious universities that will further assist pupils’ decision-making process before they begin the next stage of their journey.
Mr Farnell, said: “Our careers team and personal tutors have many years’ experience of preparing applicants and give sound and timely advice to our young people.
“One of the greatest challenges in the current climate is gaining work experience. To counter this we have a significant number who have applied for online programmes to meet employers and discuss careers, many others have begun MOOCs to enhance their learning and we are hosting a number of subject-specific university talks.”
Rydal Penrhos recently celebrated their best-ever A Level results, which saw a 51.9 per cent pass rate at A*-A – the highest in the school’s history since the introduction of the A* grade – with 75.9% achieving A*-B grades.
Those awarded A*-C grades was 90.5 per cent, which is another record and a significant rise of 30.1% from the previous year’s results.
Rydal Penrhos’ pass rate (A*-E) rose to 100 per cent for the sixth time since 2000. And the mean number of subjects passed per candidate was 3.1.
Rydal Penrhos is now able to offer private tours to prospective pupils and their families.
For more information email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or book online at https://rydal.wpengine.com/open-days-visits.