Rydal Penrhos confirms 2021 Entrance Examination Day
September 23, 2020

Rydal Penrhos has confirmed the date of its 2021 Entrance Examination Day for prospective pupils.

This will be open to those looking to join the Rydal Penrhos community from September 2021 in Year 7, 8, 9 and 10, with the date now officially confirmed for Saturday 6 February at 9am.

Academic scholarships are available in Years 7-10 for anyone that demonstrates potential from their Cognitive Abilities Test and during an interview with a senior staff member.

The school is offering two free day places for Year 7 entry in 2021, which is a means-tested scheme that has proven hugely popular since the initiative was launched.

All applications must be in by Friday 22 January.

BOOK: https://rydal.wpengine.com/admissions/scholarships-bursaries/

It is an enormously exciting time to join the Rydal Penrhos family. The school achieved historic results at A Level and GCSE this summer, which also came with some truly exceptional value-added scores.

This added to the rich history of academic achievements throughout Rydal Penrhos’ illustrious history, which is coupled with an outstanding extra-curricular provision from Pre-School to Sixth Form.

Here is a more in-depth look at the initiatives available for incoming pupils.

REGISTER: https://rydal.wpengine.com/admissions/scholarships-bursaries/

Rydal Penrhos: Academic Scholarships

Academic scholarships may be awarded to children on entry following “entrance exams” (CAT tests) and an interview with a senior staff member.

These scholarships are open to pupils already within the school and those joining the school and are based on clear testing/results and interviews. There is no limit to the number of these awards.

These awards are not means-tested and the reward is the title of scholar and also a £500 contribution each year for the pupil from the school to further their academic studies through the purchase of books etc.

A mentor will be attached to the pupil for this purpose and would meet half termly to discuss progress in that area and help the money be spent wisely and appropriately.

Art, Drama, Sport and Music scholarships may also be awarded to pupils with “exceptional talent” at any point during their senior school years. They do not require an application.

REGISTER: https://rydal.wpengine.com/admissions/scholarships-bursaries/

Rydal Penrhos: Free (fully-funded) day places for Year 7 

At Rydal Penrhos senior school each academic year two Year 7 free (fully-funded) Day Places are awarded based on academic ability and financial eligibility.

The Year 7 places are awarded based on school reports, a Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) and an interview with a senior staff member.

These are means-tested awards, intended as an “opportunity” for an academically able child or young person residing in North Wales who is currently being educated within the state school system.

The scheme is transparent and is based on financial criteria.

Eligible candidates are part of a financial assessment which only considers families in which family income is less than £35,000 per annum and there are no other significant assets which could be monetised.

An external assessor carries out a thorough assessment, including publicly available data that is not part of the submission and carries out a home visit (in line with social distancing guidelines) to establish the family’s suitability for the award.

Once a candidate is awarded a place, they will have it until they leave at the end of Sixth Form assuming they continue to be an exemplary member of the Rydal Penrhos community and are not subject to a significant change in circumstances.


Rydal Penrhos is now able to offer socially distanced tours to prospective pupils and their families.

For more information email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or book online at https://rydal.wpengine.com/open-days-visits.