A Level textiles group continue to excel
March 18, 2021

Rydal Penrhos’ A Level textiles group continues to excel with some outstanding work produced both on-site and at home during the second educational lockdown.

Getting Years 10-13 back into school physically this week has been wonderful. The place just hasn’t been the same without them and although each Rydal Penrhos pupil deserves a tremendous amount of credit for the way they’ve applied themselves during the various lockdown periods, there is simply no substitute for face-to-face learning.

One of our creative hubs in school is the art department and the two Art teachers, Mark Sherrington and Suzy Morris, have gone above and beyond the call of duty with exciting projects and support throughout the last year.

They have continued to provide online teaching and motivation throughout and have introduced “mercy drops” of textile materials, canvases and any art materials that will enhance the pupils’ learning experience.

The Art department epitomises the ethos of the school – it is an area where pupils get to explore a wide variety of different things to find where their passions and skills lie.

Rydal Penrhos offers A levels in Art or Photography or Textiles, depending on where a young person finds they have an interest and talent.

Even within the classic Art A Level a pupil may focus on one of many disciplines, drawing, painting, sculpture and so forth.

Often, we find our pupils on entering Art foundation courses beyond Rydal Penrhos have already tried many of the disciplines within the school environment which is a rarity and provides an advantage from the start.

Here is some of the recent textiles work made through weaving on very old frames provided once again on a “mercy drop” by the Art department.


Anyone wishing to enquire about Rydal Penrhos School can do so by calling 01492 530155, email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or register your interest online here: https://rydalpenrhos.com/admissions/apply-now.