Bucking the concerning national online learning trend
January 14, 2021

Rydal Penrhos is bucking the concerning national trend with an extensive online learning schedule.

Some significant concerns were raised by Wales’ future generations commissioner Sophie Howe on the “patchy and inconsistent” online learning methods being utilised by schools across the country during the latest educational lockdown.

This is not the case at Rydal Penrhos.

The Welsh Government confirmed to the BBC that there was “no legal duty on schools in Wales to deliver a minimum amount of online teaching”.

This is not the case at Rydal Penrhos.

While there remains plenty of uncertainty surrounding when schools will actually re-open, staff at the school have worked incredibly hard to put together a diverse and engaging online learning provision that is not too dissimilar to what they experience on-site.

Rydal Penrhos’ senior leadership team, together with teaching and support staff, are striving to ensure that each pupil’s goals are met and there is no loss of learning despite the current COVID-19 restrictions forcing a return to online methods that the school was more than prepared for.

It has taken a considerable amount of planning over recent weeks in readiness for the inevitability of a second lockdown period. This was worth its weight in gold, with pupils of all ages hitting the ground running with a clear, concise online learning programme that has been supported in full by the school’s incredible parent group.

Here is the stricture in place during the current lockdown.

Rydal Penrhos Prep School


  • Open fully 08:30-17:30 (packed lunches provided from home) – continuing with all lessons except
    swimming and coastal school.

Reception and Year 1

  • 4 live lessons per day and one small group lesson

Year 2-Year 6

  • 6 live lessons per day plus form time and assemblies

All classes have a 30 minutes physical activity lesson each day. Specialist lessons in music, art, RE, Welsh and Spanish are continuing for all year groups.

1:1 music/speech/drama lessons are continuing where possible and sorted out by the peripatetic teachers direct
with parents.

Keyworker pupils from all year groups are accommodated and supervised by teachers and teaching assistants on the Prep School site.

Senior School

Year 7

  • 23 live lessons, 6 form time sessions and 5 optional workout sessions each week.

Year 8

  • 25 live lessons +6 form time sessions and 5 optional workout sessions each week

Year 9

  • 27 live lessons, 6 form time sessions and 5 optional workout sessions each week

Year 10

  • 28 live lessons, 6 form time sessions and 5 optional workout sessions each week

Year 11

  • 28 live lessons, 6 form time sessions and 5 optional workout sessions each week

Years 12 and 13

  • Following normal timetable

In addition, pupils are meeting with each other and their form tutors on a daily basis.

Cooking is continuing and there will also be some live sessions in the coming weeks that pupils can participate in from the comfort of their own kitchens.

Live workout sessions are taking place at the end of the day, led by our fantastic staff and attended by pupils and
some brave members of staff, which have been implemented to improve wellbeing and take away some of the stresses of day-to-day life.

Pupils have been provided with time to share and reflect. PSHE lessons are being utilised, allowing children time to
talk about their mental health and share any ideas that they may have.

All these little things make a substantial difference. Attaining some semblance of normality in troubled times is absolutely critical to a child’s learning and with the structured online learning, together with constant support and guidance, pupils at Rydal Penrhos are being put in the best possible position to maintain their high educational standards and attain specific objectives.


Anyone wishing to enquire about Rydal Penrhos School can do so by calling 01492 530155, email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or register your interest online here: https://rydal.wpengine.com/admissions/apply-now/