Prep pupil leadership team: Deputies & House Captains
October 6, 2021

Rydal Penrhos has appointed the Deputies and House Captains for the Prep Pupil Leadership team.

As part of the Prep Pupil Leadership Team at Rydal Penrhos, the school also needed to find the right pupils for the Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl and House Captain positions. These are incredibly important roles throughout the academic year, and it proved to be another difficult series of decisions for Deputy Principal Mrs Lucy Davies and her staff team.

The application process involved a written letter stating why they should be considered, an interview, staff consultation and a residential week away at the Arete Outdoor Centre in Llanrug where they could try new things and test their peer leadership skills in a challenging environment.

The school has now appointed Charlie L-B and Kenzie L as their Deputy Head Boy and Girl team for the 2021/22 academic year.

They will work closely with Head Boy Oscar J and Head Girl Ella P to provide a strong role model presence for younger pupils and ensure the smooth running of events and competitions.

Charlie and Kenzie have been part of the Rydal Penrhos family for a considerable period and both wrote fantastic letters explaining in fantastic detail why they would be a tremendous asset to the deputy role.

Charlie: “I’m a very polite, kind and considerate person who the other children can look up to. They can come to me if they have a problem. I will support the Head Boy well with his duties.”

Kenzie: “I think I will be good in this role as I am very willing to listen to the ideas of others. I am also kind-hearted, confident and a good leader.”

The role of House Captains are coveted ones.

Captains provide the leadership and organisational skills in pursuit of their house securing the overall prize during the summer term, which is always a source of great pride for pupils of all ages.

This year’s House Captains are:

  • Finlay B – Brecon
  • Ifana W-J – Pembroke
  • Lexi May W – Snowdon

All three pupils put together exceptional applications in order to secure the positions. This was coupled with speaking well during the interview process and having the correct attitude throughout their annual residential.

Here are some quotes from Rydal Penrhos’ new House Captains within the Prep Pupil Leadership Team.

Finlay: “I believe I would be good in this position because I like to be friendly with other people and to help them to achieve their best. I also like to talk to parents and show their children around the school which I am very proud of.”

Ifana: “I work very well as part of a team. I’m a good listener and consider everyone’s ideas as part of a team.”

Lexi-May: “I believe I am perfect for this role because I have been at this school for a very long time and have lots of experience and advice for other pupils. I always want to try my best.”

We would like to offer our congratulations to the five pupils on their new appointments. They are thoroughly deserving and will be a significant asset to the school.


Anyone wishing to enquire about Rydal Penrhos School can do so by calling 01492 530155, email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or register your interest online here: https://rydalpenrhos.com/admissions/apply-now.

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