There has been plenty of change across all areas of life during the coronavirus pandemic, but Rydal Penrhos has strived to put the necessary measures in place to ensure each child continues to thrive.
This has been prevalent across all areas of Rydal Penrhos life, with teaching and support staff working exceptionally hard to continue to provide a safe environment for pupils despite an unprecedented time of disruption.
One of the areas that require more practical work than most is our Food Studies department. The current COVID-19 regulations have forced teacher Mark Harmsworth to get creative in order to make the most out of lessons in the current climate.
This was no more evident than during the recent ‘fire-break’ lockdown, which saw pupils taking part in a normal school day from the comfort of their own home thanks to a fantastic effort from staff.
Mr Harmsworth held a virtual lesson with Year 10 pupils, who all took to their home kitchens and follow his recipe for chocolate profiteroles – which brought some mouth-watering results.
Regular Food Studies lessons for remaining year groups continue under strict social distancing guidelines, which prove highly popular with younger members of the Rydal Penrhos senior school community and enable each pupil to build additional skills and learn an added sense of responsibility.
As the gallery shows below, this is bringing some outstanding results and is a testament to how much each pupil is benefitting from each session despite things being much changed from a structural perspective.
The school has been at the forefront of precautions during the coronavirus pandemic, ensuring each Rydal Penrhos pupil continues to receive an exceptional education and extra-curricular opportunities thanks to the sterling effort and dedication of both teaching and support staff.
“Food Glorious Food”… The bake-off has nothing on us!”
Rydal Penrhos is now able to offer private tours to prospective pupils and their families.
For more information email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or book online at https://rydal.wpengine.com/open-days-visits.