Rydal Penrhos’ fantastic Eco Committee organised a special competition to lend their support to World Habitat Day.
One thing that is becoming more prevalent than ever across Rydal Penrhos life is how aware pupils are of their surroundings. This has been especially evident since the coronavirus pandemic became a part of everyone’s mindset, but the increased risk surrounding climate change across the globe and the need to protect the environment around us is something that the entire school community takes a great deal of pride in.
The fine work being done in Years 3-6 by the Eco Committee has been remarkable since the group was formed. Their passion, commitment, and willingness to give up their time for various initiatives and causes are all part of the rich, well-rounded education each pupil receives at the school.
As part of their ongoing awareness efforts, the committee organised a special competition in recognition of World Habitat Day, which took place last month and its focus this year was accelerating urban action for a carbon-free world.
Events and activities during World Habitat Day explored how national, regional and local governments and organisations, communities, academic institutions, the private sector and all relevant stakeholders can work together to create sustainable, carbon-neutral, inclusive cities and towns.
The committee ran a competition over several weeks for pupils to create a special habitat at home, such as a bug hotel or a hedgehog house.
Participants had to use natural materials where possible to create their homes in order to earn valuable points for their respective houses at Rydal Penrhos.
There were many amazing habitats created including a large bug hotel made by the pupils in Forest School with Mrs Pyves. Overall, it was a close competition – Brecon was the winning house with 38 points and both Pembroke and Snowdon came second with 34 points each.
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