Rydal Penrhos bids a fond farewell to Mrs Riley
October 28, 2021

Rydal Penrhos bid a fond farewell to popular staff member Debbie Riley before the half-term break.

Rydal Penrhos is indebted to its staff team. They are constantly going above and beyond the call of duty, striving to ensure that pupils young and old reach or even exceed their goals on a daily basis.

The school is enormously proud of our close-knit community. Small class sizes and a high teacher-pupil ratio ensure that our staff get to know the individual, their characteristics and what inspires them to build a successful education for each specific child.

Not only this, but our support staff are always on hand to lend a helping hand every step of the way, whether that be inside the classroom or during the wealth of extra-curricular activities on offer across the campus.

We were sad to bid a fond farewell to one of these staff members before the half-term break, with Debbie Riley deciding to step down from her role within Rydal Penrhos’ Pre-School department to spend more time with her family.

Debbie has worked at the school for seven years and for most of this time she was a matron at Edwards Boarding House. She was very popular with all of the girl boarders for her calm, patient and approachable manner.

With Rydal Penrhos transitioning to a day school, Debbie joined the thriving Pre-School department and instantly became a huge hit with children, providing them with care and a solid foundation from which to progress throughout their time with us. 

I recognition of her outstanding dedication to Rydal Penrhos, Pre-School children made special good luck and thank you cards for Mrs Riley during the final week of half term.

Staff also presented Mrs Riley with a card and some beautiful flowers expressing how much she will be missed.

We send our very best wishes to Debbie as she leaves education to spend more time with her family. Everyone at Rydal Penrhos appreciates all your hard work and will miss you.


Anyone wishing to enquire about Rydal Penrhos School can do so by calling 01492 530155, email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or register your interest online here: https://rydalpenrhos.com/admissions/apply-now.

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