GALLERY: First Stars of 2022/23 academic year
September 21, 2022

Rydal Penrhos Prep School announced their first Stars of the Week after a marvellous start to the 2022/23 academic year.

The start of term has been bittersweet throughout Rydal Penrhos. Whilst it was simply wonderful to see pupils of all ages back in school, smiling and laughing with their friends, we have also faced one of the saddest times for our country with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.

This monumental moment in history was handled with understanding and compassion by staff and pupils alike. They came together with special tributes and talked about The Queen’s significance throughout history and modern society – helping one another over a poignant mourning period that will live long in the memory.

Our pupils deserve an exceptional amount of credit for the way they applied themselves. A true testament to the school’s adaptability that was also evident throughout COVID-19 and the educational lockdowns.

With restrictions regarding posts now concluded following the national mourning period, Rydal Penrhos is delighted to confirm its first Prep School Stars of the Week for the 2022/23 academic year. Although every pupil can look back on their start following the summer break with an enormous sense of pride.

Rydal Penrhos Prep Stars of the Week

  • Reception – Nina
  • Year 1 – Emrys
  • Year 2 – Livia
  • Year 3 – Megan
  • Year 4 – Phoebe
  • Year 5 – Theo
  • Year 6 – Beatrice
  • Artists of the Week –  Minty and Albert
  • Performer of the Week – Hattie 

A huge well done to our winners. Your enthusiasm and commitment were nothing short of outstanding and are a constant source of pride for our wonderful teaching and support staff.

Stars of the Week Gallery


Anyone wishing to enquire about Rydal Penrhos School can do so by calling 01492 530155, emailing admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or registering your interest online.

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