GCSE candidates at Rydal Penrhos secured plenty of notable individual achievements within an outstanding set of examination results.
The resolve displayed by pupils across all age groups has been nothing short of incredible in recent years. Whether it was coping with lockdowns, adapting to online learning or adjusting to normality once again, Rydal Penrhos remains enormously proud of everything they have and continue to accomplish.
This has been further reflected this month with exceptional examination results, adding to the school’s rich and proud history of academic progress and achievements. This is especially significant this year, which is the first time pupils have sat exams since COVID-19 restrictions were eased by the Welsh Government.
No fewer than 37 per cent of GCSE candidates secured A* (9-8) grades, with 57% of marks falling in the A*-A (9-7) category as a result of their exceptional efforts.
This far exceeds the national average in Wales for those with A*-A grades, which stands at 25.1%.
The number of pupils securing pass rates from A*-B or 9-6 was 81%. A total of 97% of all grades were A*-C or 9-4, which far eclipses the national average in Wales of 68.6%.
There were a host of individual triumphs, with Lily Davies among the top performer after gaining seven A* grades, four 9s and a Distinction in Additional Mathematics.
Another pupil with plenty to celebrate was Ruby Merrick, who secured four A*’s, five 9s and an A grade, with Kosi Iwobi also shining after attaining seven A*s, one 9, one A, a Distinction in Additional Mathematics, and Distinction 2 in Engineering.
Jonathan Osbourne, who combines his studies with North Wales Athletics training, was rewarded in fine style with four A*s, two 9s, two 8s, a Distinction in Additional Mathematics and Distinction 2 in Engineering. It was a similar story for Leo Weis thanks to outstanding academic development, which led to three A*s, two 9s, two As and a Distinction in Additional Mathematics.
Others to achieve success were Martha Hind (4 A*s, three 9s, A, 8, Distinction), Prune Chasteau (5 A*s, two 9s, 2As, 8, Distinction), Edward Altoft (3 A*s, 2As, three 8s, Distinction), Gwyn Davies (A*, 3As, 9, two 8s, 7), Emily Jones (3 A*s, 4 As, 8, Distinction), Fayeth Jones (5 As), Zac Roberts (2 A*s, 9, A, 7, Distinction), Ada Vonbank (A*, two 9s, A, 8, three Bs) and Ivo Vonbank (3 A*s, 3 As, 9, two 8s, Distinction).
A massive congratulations to every single Year 11 pupil and to the Rydal Penrhos staff who worked tirelessly to ensure the group reached or exceeded their goals.
Anyone wishing to enquire about Rydal Penrhos School can do so by calling 01492 530155, emailing admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or registering your interest online.