Rydal Penrhos’ Health and Wellbeing faculty organise live sessions.
Rydal Penrhos’ incredible staff team are always thinking of ways to ease the burden on the school community. This has been especially evident during the last two COVID-19 lockdowns and is a testament to how much they care about not only the academic development of their pupils, but also the serious issue of health and wellbeing to consider.
Being stuck at home for everything but essential shopping and daily exercise for a brief period can be stressful. Couple this with the pressures of remote learning and working from home, and it’s easy to see how a normal fitness routine could get lost in the chaos.
The school’s Health and Wellbeing faculty are all-to-aware of this and have devised an exciting series of live sessions throughout the week, which will run from 3.40pm until 4.10pm each day at the conclusion of remote learning lessons.
With the first online sessions starting on Monday 11 January and they include:-
- Monday: Circuits Session
- Tuesday: Pilates/Yoga
- Wednesday: Fitness – core workout
- Thursday: Stretching/Flexibility
This week’s activities will be run by Physical Education teachers Nicky Head and Sean Kitchen, with other staff set to take their own respective sessions in the coming weeks.
They can be accessed using Microsoft Teams on the “Whole School Team” section, with staff also encouraged to participate.
Faculty head Alun Brown has also set up a Rydal Penrhos Strava account so that distance, activity and achievements can be monitored between the whole school community should they wish.
Rydal Penrhos has strived to ensure that pupils remain active throughout the last year despite COVID-19 restrictions preventing things such as sports fixtures from taking place.
Staff held virtual workouts during the lockdown, a diverse exercise and coaching schedule was available during the autumn term that allowed each pupil to improve fitness, skills in a sport of choice and boost other areas of their development such as teamwork and communication.
Anyone wishing to enquire about Rydal Penrhos School can do so by calling 01492 530155, email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or register your interest online here: https://rydal.wpengine.com/admissions/apply-now/