Open Day 2022 Focus: Prep (Years 3-6)
September 26, 2022

Ahead of the Rydal Penrhos Open Day on Saturday 8 October, we are featuring each key area of the school and the amazing opportunities on offer.

Rydal Penrhos is holding a special Open Day on Saturday 8 October, giving prospective pupils and their families a first-hand opportunity to see for themselves what goes on during a typical day at the school.

Those in attendance will get individual tours and speak with teaching and admissions staff to get a broader perspective of the day-to-day life of a pupil, the diverse curriculum and exceptional pastoral care.

Ahead of the showcase, this special feature series focuses on the key areas of Rydal Penrhos and the outstanding opportunities on offer. our next instalment features the Prep – which progresses rapidly through diverse academic and extra-curricular opportunities before the transition to Senior School.

The beginning of a child’s journey throughout education at Rydal Penrhos is an exciting one. Everything is new, curiosity is enhanced to levels they haven’t experienced before and key skills are being developed that will stand them in good stead throughout the remainder of their school life. 

The main objective of a Prep/Primary education is to make children think analytically, achieve high standards, to face challenges posed by technology and the advancement of citizenship and basic values.

It provides an opportunity for children to make friends and develop communication skills. The future of a child is shaped by the early stages of their development and it can positively boost self-confidence and offer the skills they need to achieve success in their lives. 

Children who do not receive basic education throughout their early years, including counting, alphabet, colours and shapes are going to fall behind other children who possess this basic knowledge.

Our teaching staff and senior leaders at Rydal Penrhos are unapologetically ambitious on behalf of each pupil from Pre-School right up until they depart in Year 13. We treat our learners as unique individuals and aim to support their development into well-rounded members of the school community who are fully equipped with the resourcefulness to embrace whatever lies ahead.

This allows our pupils to thrive in a safe, happy and nurturing environment, providing them with the tools needed to flourish long after they leave school in the rapidly changing global marketplace.

The school accomplishes this with a diverse curriculum, comprehensive support and assessment from start to finish as well as an enriching extra-curricular provision that caters to almost every interest.

All this starts from a very early age. At Rydal Penrhos’ incredible Prep, a curriculum has been devised to capture the fun, inquisitiveness and creativity that the school firmly believes should lie at the very core of teaching and learning.

Developing academic skills from Years 3 to 6 is a crucial stage of a child’s development, Rydal Penrhos offers a broad and rich learning experience that is delivered through a dynamic, thematic curriculum.

English, Science and Maths form the foundation of our learning experience, with specialist teaching in areas such as Art and Design, Music, Drama and Computing also implemented to further boost every pupil’s overall development.

Combining the very best primary practice with an extremely varied extra-curricular provision ensures that every pupil is challenged and develops the skills necessary for learning. This also helps them get ready for the next stage of the educational journey with us at the senior school.

This method of igniting imaginations while simultaneously equipping them with essential skills they need for education and later life is at the core of Rydal Penrhos’ rich and proud ethos that continues to stand the test of time.


Anyone wishing to enquire about Rydal Penrhos School can do so by calling 01492 530155, emailing admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or registering your interest online.

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