Prep School Stars of the Week: 12 February 2021
February 12, 2021

Rydal Penrhos Prep School pupils closed out another half term with some exceptional work and dedication both on-site and during their online learning.

As part of the school’s achievement scheme, pupils across all age groups were selected for accolades in recognition of their efforts throughout the week, which has seen all age groups tackle the ever-changing learning methods due to COVID-19 efficiently, confidently and with enthusiasm.

Their ability to make the most out of a problematic situation continues to amaze teaching staff, who have put on a strong and enriching provision since the New Year to ensure each pupil’s development continues despite learning from home and not within the incredible Prep School grounds.

We are incredibly proud of all your hard work and dedication over the first period of the spring term and wish all our families a restful and safe half-term break next week.

Rydal Penrhos Stars of the Week

  • Reception: Oliver T – fantastic week with great independent work
  • Year 1: Angelos and Megan – the teachers wanted two stars because they have both completed some excellent work this week
  • Year 2: Wilfred – huge amount of work in maths
  • Year 3: William C – great effort with his work in all subjects
  • Year 4: Buddy – amazing improvement in his writing
  • Year 5: Honey – really concentrating on her learning
  • Year 6: Harry – all-round super attitude

Artist of the Week

  • Freddie (Year 4) – ‘Falling Back’ painting

Well done to all of our pupils for completing their pet (or favourite animal) projects for ‘Bring your pet to Online School Day’ today (Friday 12 February).

This event was organised by School Council to raise money for our very local Welsh Mountain Zoo.

If anyone hasn’t donated yet and would like to donate to help the zoo with its very active conservation efforts can do so here.