Prep School Stars of the Week: 26 February 2021
February 26, 2021

Rydal Penrhos Prep School’s Stars of the Week for 26 February.

Rydal Penrhos Prep School pupils began another half term with their customary determination and work ethic, with more activity on-site thanks to the welcome return of Pre-Prep children after the Welsh Government eased restrictions relating to COVID-19.

Staff at Rydal Penrhos have been working incredibly hard behind the scenes to ensure that each pupil feels safe and happy upon their return to school, which has enabled them to hit the ground running during their first few days of face-to-face learning once again.

Hopefully, there will be further good news regarding the remaining Prep School pupils making their triumphant return to Rydal Penrhos during the next government announcement on 18 March, and we cannot wait to have everyone back!

We caught up with Prep School head Lucy Davies for an update on how things have gone during the first week back, some exciting things to come and the first Stars of the Week of the new half term.

“A fabulous week at the Prep School with the very welcome return of some of our classes.”

We have a full house of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils and the sunny weather, on some days, helped to heighten the warm atmosphere.

The pupils soon got back into the swing of lessons and have been making the best use of our playground, field and forest areas to run off some of their extra energy!

The teachers all agreed that every single one deserves to be ‘Star of the Week’ but we couldn’t fit all of their pictures onto the ‘star board’ in school so here are the recipients of the class ‘star’ award this week:

  • Reception: Livia – for showing kindness to our new pupils and really being a good friend.
  • Year 1: Peter – for using his new phonic sounds in independent writing to fabulous effect.
  • Year 2: Jacob S. – brilliant work on that difficult maths concept…fractions.
  • Year 3: Holly – super maths work with her expanded addition.
  • Year 4: James – a great week of independent work and ideas.
  • Year 5: Ifana – for mastering her multiplication and division methods this week.
  • Year 6: Tillie – fantastic effort and thought in her geography project

And our artist of the week this week, for her picture of ‘capturing snowflakes on my tongue,’ is Layko in Year 3.

rydal penrhos

Well done everyone; pupils, staff and parents, what a great week!

Don’t forget to wear your Welsh symbols/hat/jumper for St. David’s Day on Monday 1 March.

Mrs Lucy Davies

Head of Rydal Penrhos Prep School


Anyone wishing to enquire about Rydal Penrhos School can do so by calling 01492 530155, email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or register your interest online here: https://rydalpenrhos.com/admissions/apply-now.