Russia/Ukraine history talk after Key Stage 4 & 5 requests
March 31, 2022

Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils at Rydal Penrhos participated in a special talk surrounding Russia/Ukraine history after multiple requests from pupils.

The events unfolding in Ukraine are affecting everyone across the globe. Rydal Penrhos pupils young and old are taking a keen interest in developments, with a recent pupil-lead donation campaign drawing a significant amount of support from the school community, who gave vital items, clothing and financial aid that is a testament to their caring nature.

This situation has also provoked some thoughtful discussions within older year groups with more knowledge of what’s transpiring on a daily basis. Something that’s been encouraged in an extremely supportive fashion by the school’s compassionate teaching staff.

Another example of this support came recently when pupils in Key Stage 4 and 5 (Years 10-13), provided multiple requests for a broader perspective on the history of Ukraine and Russia and how events leading up to what we see transpiring today played a role.

This resulted in history teacher Maria Freeman organising a special discussion/presentation with Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils, detailing the background of Ukraine as a nation and the long and short-term causes behind the Russian invasion a few short weeks ago.

Mrs Freeman then gave pupils additional information regarding where the situation stood at the time of the presentation, the ever-changing scenarios and also provided pupils will some helpful tips surrounding avoiding disinformation on social media.

The discussion also included a “knowledge check” section that debunked some myths or confirmed facts from questions about Ukraine, the Russian Empire, Vladimir Putin and even the origins of the Black Plague.

This was a hugely informative session for those in attendance. Our thanks go to Rydal Penrhos pupils for wanting to know more about a very important current topic and to Mrs Freeman for supporting their thirst for knowledge.


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