Rydal Penrhos School Notes – Winter Lockdown Week 5
During the week it was good to ‘meet’ with the Rydal Penrhos Prep School parent class reps. The meeting was held in the evening via ‘teams’ and really summed up the feelings of parents at the moment:
- Tremendous gratitude to the school for providing such great remote learning.
- Huge frustration trying to combine working from home with home-schooling.
- Exhaustion from the whole pandemic induced stress.
- Worry about ‘learning loss’ and the mental well-being of their children.
- Hopelessness when faced with making a birdfeeder out of a milk carton followed by feelings of parental failure!!
But the one feeling I wasn’t prepared for was that keyworkers sometimes feel ‘guilty’ for leaving their children at school whilst they have to go to work.
That’s the last thing we want you to feel…so please cross that off your list of worries!
Having been at Rydal Penrhos during every day of the lockdown, alongside many colleagues, I can say that having the keyworker and vulnerable pupils in school has been a privilege…it helps the school feel vibrant and needed and it helps the staff feel the same.
We need you to go to work, in fact, we rely on you to go to work, and we will do our utmost to ensure that your children continue to learn in a happy and safe environment.
And for those of you juggling home-schooling and working from home…well done.
The class reps meeting helped us to review our planning. The photographs this week show some wonderful ‘forest school’ work completed at home by Year 2 pupils on Friday. We did the same with the keyworker pupils in school.
The photos show how a simple idea can produce collaborative creativity and bring a smile to everyone’s face.
You’re doing a great job parents, it might not feel like it, but you are…give yourselves a mini doorstep clap at 6pm tonight, you deserve it!
Mrs Lucy Davies
Head of Rydal Penrhos Prep School
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