Pembroke & Snowdon triumph at Reception-Year 6 Sports Day
July 6, 2021

Pembroke and Snowdon were the big winners from Rydal Penrhos’ Reception-Year 6 Sports Day event recently.

It was absolutely fantastic to see so many pupils giving their all at the recent Reception-Year 6 Sports Day. This was the first big event put on by Rydal Penrhos since COVID-19 restrictions lifted and as luck would have it, the whole morning was met with glorious sunshine to further enhance the occasion.

There was a real buzz of excitement across all pupils and staff ahead of the occasion, which saw aspiring young athletes take to the track and field in pursuit of earning some coveted house points.

In addition to the usual sprints, hurdles, and relays, the Sports Day also consisted of javelin, discus, shot-put, the ever-popular egg and spoon race, obstacle races and even the bean bag race.

Another competition that brought the very best out of pupils was the endurance race, which involved going around the whole track twice. Something that was not for the faint of heart.

After an outstanding showing of commitment from all involved, pupils left the school’s stunning New Field site for the Plateau to find out which Houses did enough to secure the overall victory.

The Reception-Year 2 title went to Snowdon House after a rousing effort. Pembroke House scooped the Year 3-6 distinction.

All six House Captains were thanked and praised by teacher Jamie McLeod for their expert leadership and encouragement throughout the Sports Day. Prep School head Lucy Davies also commended every pupil on their exemplary behaviour during a thrilling morning of action.

As a reward for their fabulous efforts during the event, Reception-Year 2 pupils were treated to an afternoon of fun sports, with those in Years 3-6 getting the chance to play rounders, cricket, football and parachute games.

A special thanks must also go to the school’s Estates Team for working so hard to prepare both New Field and the Plateau, which looked absolutely magnificent.

Well done to everyone that took part, you were a real credit to yourselves and your houses.

GALLERY: Reception-Year 6 Sports Day 2021

Rydal Penrhos Reception-Year 6 Sports Day highlights


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