Rydal Penrhos’ senior sports captains have excelled in their respective leadership roles over the 2022/23 academic year so far.
Rydal Penrhos Sixth Form is so much more than just studying for successful grades. Our pupils benefit from an outstanding extra-curricular provision, participate in weekly UCAS lessons throughout the application process and get exceptional support and guidance during the final two years of their school life before heading onto the next stage, wherever that might be.
Another area where Sixth Formers thrive is through leadership. The school prides itself on a strong Year 13 that become great ambassadors for Rydal Penrhos and for the next generation of younger pupils looking to follow in their footsteps.
This also transitions into a sporting environment. Sixth Formers are given the opportunity to secure captaincy roles, leading from the front and working alongside the school’s specialist coaching staff during training sessions, fixtures and competitions across the country.
Our recently appointed Senior Sports Captains have excelled over their first few weeks. It’s been a hugely encouraging return to competitive action across all areas, with regional and national accolades building up to further add to Rydal Penrhos’ rich history of sporting accomplishments.
Emily Thomas has been tasked with leading the Netball squad throughout a busy series of fixtures, with numerous impressive performances, development and results already attained in a relatively short space of time.
Another demonstrating outstanding growth as a pupil leader is rugby captain and deputy head boy Josh Stewart. His influence within the squad working closely with Rydal Penrhos’ head of rugby Ryan Kirby is bringing increased performance levels against high-calibre opposition, which is a significant step in the right direction for the young but ever-improving team.
Wales U18 international Alex Starling will captain the boys’ hockey side, with girls’ hockey skipper Elsi Pyves already making her presence felt after the U18 squad won their regional heat and will now progress to the national semi-finals next month.
Congratulations to all four pupils on their tremendous efforts so far. Hopefully, this is a trend that can continue throughout an action-packed few months ahead.
Anyone wishing to enquire about Rydal Penrhos School can do so by calling 01492 530155, emailing admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or registering your interest online.