Rydal Penrhos’ PPE project during the coronavirus lockdown has formally come to an end.
The school’s Design Technology teacher Mark Harmsworth, technician James Bonser and Rydal Penrhos Sixth Form pupil Jamie Lavery, took it upon themselves to produce protective masks for NHS staff and keyworker facilities across the region to aid them in their fight against Covid-19.
This also received an incredible response from the school community, who raised thousands for the cause to ensure that as many masks as possible could be made.
The trio worked exceptionally hard in difficult circumstances, with Mr Harmsworth and Mr Bonser making masks on-site at Rydal Penrhos. Jamie used a number of 3D printers at home, with current parent Ben Jones donating a piece of equipment from his business Clogau Gold to the project.
Their efforts also inspired other pupils from the Prep and Senior to get involved from home. Chay Bonnington, Llion Morris, Sophie Morris, Emily Nurse and Harry Nurse all did their part to further boost the total distributed.
Thousands of masks made their way to care homes, hospitals, and even North Wales Police during the multi-week project, which has received an outpouring of thanks from recipients.
This was one of many ways that Rydal Penrhos assisted during the lockdown. Boarding houses were open to frontline workers who were unable to go home due to safety reasons, the school opened its keyworker childcare provision to the wider community, in addition to pupils and staff taking part in various fundraising activities for causes such as the Welsh Mountain Zoo and BEAT.
Sally-Ann Harding, senior school head of Rydal Penrhos, said: “This has been a monumental effort from our staff and pupils, who went above and beyond the call of duty to assist our fantastic community during this unprecedented time.
“We are very proud of our community involvement, and I would like to thank everyone involved for their exceptional dedication and tireless commitment.”
Rydal Penrhos is now able to offer socially distanced tours to prospective pupils and their families. For more information email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or book online at https://rydal.wpengine.com/open-days-visits.