Rydal Penrhos teaching staff get creative with lockdown revision guides.
“If we think it will help one of our children or young people then we will do it” – a staff member.
Teaching staff at Rydal Penrhos are pulling out all the stops to ensure their pupils continue to get the most out of their education. Things might look a little bit different at the present time due to COVID-19 health concerns, but the school is doing everything in its power to continue undeterred whilst abiding by the strict safety guidelines issues by the Welsh Government.
This not only includes online learning for senior school pupils, but teaching staff have gone above and beyond the call of duty to assist pupils with their revision at home ahead of impending examinations, some of which are still continuing at Rydal Penrhos despite the current lockdown.
A personal touch such as this goes a long way and is one of the many reasons why Rydal Penrhos is such a fantastic place to learn, develop and achieve superb academic results.
The revision cards in the gallery below were done by staff over their Christmas break. They understand what a stressful time this is for pupils at the best of times, but even more so in the current climate and wanted to give them every possible opportunity to maximise their potential.
Our staff see this as all part of the service they provide. They have been at the forefront of remote learning throughout the last year and their efforts have come in for some significant praise from parents and the wider community during such a difficult time.
“Rydal Penrhos has been fantastic in carefully planning so very safe and brilliant online learning – would recommend to anyone.” – Year 13 parent.
The revision cards also came with some noteworthy advice on how to revise effectively and thoroughly, in addition to providing guidance on the best ways to summarise information which is an important life skill they can take into the remainder of the education and later life.
Not only were the revision cards initiated by teachers, but they were also targeted to the individual’s learning style which is a testament to how well our pupils are known by the staff that teach them, just one of the benefits of small class sizes in education – something Rydal Penrhos is proud to provide.
Not only does Rydal Penrhos provide exceptional and thorough teaching, but it is also very directed towards individuals which gives them the edge and has been the catalyst behind an incredible amount of examination success over the years.
Anyone wishing to enquire about Rydal Penrhos School can do so by calling 01492 530155, email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or register your interest online here: https://rydal.wpengine.com/admissions/apply-now/