Video: Year 4 Egg Drop Challenge during STEM session
May 19, 2021

“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.”

Who doesn’t love a combination of learning and fun?

It’s been a very busy time for pupils young and old at Rydal Penrhos during the summer term. They are back on-site and throwing themselves into their academic subjects and the wealth of extra-curricular options available, with opportunities increasing by the week thanks to relaxing restrictions in the current climate.

This ensures that pupils can finish a disrupted academic year off on a high note, although an exceptional online learning provision during the second educational lockdown proved highly beneficial and ensured no learning loss took place, goals remained unaltered and progression continued at an encouraging rate.

Getting a bit more hands-on has been one of the more positive elements that come with face-to-face learning. STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is playing an ever-growing role at Rydal Penrhos and allows pupils to combine this with concepts more outside the box than found within typical classroom topics.

STEM is proven to improve core areas such as problem-solving, adaptability, communication, leadership and working within a team that each pupil can take with them throughout the remainder of their education and later life.

There was plenty of excitement within Year 4 for their latest STEM activity with teacher Jamie McLeod, which was the annual Egg Drop Challenge that involved designing a contraption using various materials to protect an egg from a high fall.

Using various materials provided and budgeting according, pupils worked in five groups over 50 minutes to discuss, design, and build the best possible safety vessel for their egg to have a successful flight despite the obvious concerns regarding gravity and what it could potentially do to such a frail shell upon landing.

Year 4 threw themselves into the fun-filled task with their customary enthusiasm, taking what they learned during lessons and implementing this in a more practical fashion with some brilliant results.

Once the final designs were completed, each group then put their products to the test with the all-important drop, with Mr McLeod capturing it all and putting it together with another fantastic video in recognition of their fabulous efforts.

Another worthwhile activity for Year 4 pupils and one every single one of them got a significant amount out of. Well done to all!

Rydal Penrhos Year 4 STEM project – The Egg Drop Challenge


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