School Uniform

We are very proud of the way our pupils dress on a day-to-day basis here at Rydal Penrhos. Our uniform reflects the school’s strong tradition and ethos, which makes it distinctive and easily recognisable throughout the community.

We recommend that you refer to the uniform checklists, available below, for uniform information applicable to your child before entering the Monkhouse website.

The Monkhouse website covers a variety of age groups and you will not need to purchase everything there, so the checklist helps to identify which items of clothing are appropriate for your child.

Pre-School Uniform
Reception to Year 2 Uniform
Year 3 to 6 Uniform
Year 7 to 11 Uniform
Sixth Form Uniform

Once you have viewed your checklist and identified which items can be bought anywhere and which you need from Monkhouse, please then proceed to their website to order.

If you have any questions regarding the uniform at Rydal Penrhos, then please email contact@rydalpenrhos.com