Rydal Penrhos has announced plans for its annual Speech Day events later this year.
The school will hold the festivities over three days during the summer term and will take on a new format in terms of timings.
The Year 11-13 Speech Day will take place in the refurbished Donald Hughes Memorial Hall on Thursday, May 7 from 6pm, which will be followed by a buffet and other refreshments for all pupils and parents in the Quad.
Rydal Penrhos’ Year 7-10 Speech Day event is set for Friday, June 26, again from 6pm in the Memorial Hall, with the Pre-School, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 occasion taking place from 2pm on Thursday, July 2 at the same venue.
There will be an afternoon tea for pupils and family members following the event, and the final Speech Day sees Years 3-6 take centre stage in the Memorial Hall on Thursday, July 2 from 6pm.
Executive Principal John Waszek, said: “The school wants to organise this important event at a time that is convenient for parents and pupils but most importantly, at a time that does not interfere with important national examinations.
“Consequently, senior staff have been reviewing these various elements and have agreed that this year’s Speech Day events will take place over three days, two for the Senior School and one for the Prep School.”