Rydal Penrhos Pre-School department head Louise Roberts gives us a rundown on what has been going on during another busy week in her latest staff blog:
This week the children discovered more about rainforests through information pictures, discussions and the internet.
They helped to enhance the role play area which will be their rainforest environment, and discussed sensible clothes to wear in the rainforest and pretend to be animals.
The children shared books and facts about rainforests and created small stories about being in the rainforest.
They used a banana counting rhyme and created butterflies using shapes to encourage the children to use size and shape vocabulary.
The children looked at plants that grow in the rainforest and try to make models of them.
They also made sock puppets, exotic butterflies and fruit bats in the creative area.
Key worker group sessions of literacy and numeracy were held daily, and the children also enjoyed Coastal School, music and physical education.
For more information on Rydal Penrhos Pre-School contact admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or call 01492 530155.