We are thrilled to invite you to this year’s Rydal Penrhos Founders’ Weekend, taking place on Friday 13th to Saturday 14th September 2024.
Join us as the Rydal Penrhos community comes together to celebrate the school’s rich heritage and vibrant community spirit.
Friday 13th September:
14:30 – Founders’ Service
17:30 – Staff and Alumni Football.
Expressions of interest to alumni@rydalpenrhos.com.
Saturday 14th September:
09:00 – Rydal Penrhos Society Committee Meeting and AGM
10:15 – Pastries, Tea and Coffee
10:15 – Sports Matches – Boys’ Hockey and Girls’ Netball
11:00 – Alumni Tours
Expressions of interest to alumni@rydalpenrhos.com.
12:30 – Reunion Lunch
14:30 – Eton Fives Tournament
For more details regarding this year’s event, please scroll down to see the full itinerary for the weekend.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Click here to book your place at Founders Weekend 2024.
Friday 13 September
14:30: Founders’ Service
For alumni yearning for a nostalgic and spiritual experience, we are delighted to offer the opportunity to join us for a traditional church service at St John’s Church.
Led by our school chaplain, Rev’d Dr Beamish, the Founders’ Service is a cherished tradition at Rydal Penrhos, honouring the legacies of Thomas Osborn and Frederick Payne.
17:30: Staff and Alumni Football
We are excited to invite our alumni to join in a thrilling match against a team of Rydal Penrhos staff.
Priority will be given to the Class of 2024 Leavers wishing to play, but all alumni are encouraged to express their interest in participating.
Whether you wish to join as an individual or can organise and field your own team, we warmly invite you to express your interest by emailing alumni@rydalpenrhos.com. Please contact us to express your interest by Friday 12 July at the latest. This will allow us to organise the structure of the event and teams optimally based on the level of interest.
Following the match, join us for a delightful barbeque dinner in the Dining Hall, or if the weather is favourable, on the Sports Hall Lawn.
Don’t miss out on this fun and competitive tradition!
Saturday 14 September
09:00: Rydal Penrhos Society Committee Meeting and AGM
In the Hovey Room.
10:15: Pastries, Tea and Coffee
Refreshments will be available in the Dining Hall throughout the morning’s activities.
10:15: Sports Matches
10:15 meet for 10:45 start. Join us for an exciting morning of sports as the Old Girls’ Netball VII and the Dragon’s Hockey XI meet at the Sports Hall and Astro Turf, respectively, for their annual fixtures against the school’s current First Teams.
11:00: Alumni Tours
Take a guided tour of the school campus, led by a knowledgeable member of staff. This tour offers a unique insight into the school’s current facilities and historic locations, such as Old House, Costain, and the Memorial Hall. An extensive collection of archive materials will be on display in Osborn Hall, providing a glimpse into the rich and varied history of the school.
Alumni tours require pre-booking. To arrange a tour, please contact alumni@rydalpenrhos.com or call 01492 530155.
12:30: Reunion Lunch
Join us for a delightful lunch in the Dining Hall. Meet fellow alumni, staff, and current pupils. Our ‘4s’ (Class of 1954, 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2014, and 2024) are especially encouraged to reunite and reconnect during this important anniversary year.
14:30: Eton Fives Tournament.
Whether you are a seasoned player or a newcomer, you are warmly invited to drop in and participate in this beloved sport, unique to our school in Wales. Refreshments will be available.