Rydal Penrhos’ PPE production has received a considerable financial boost from the school’s parent group.
The Friends of Rydal Penrhos Committee has lent their support to the initiative, which was set up by design technology teacher Mark Harmsworth, technician James Bonser and Sixth Form pupil Jamie Lavery.
The group have generously donated £1,000 towards the cause, which equates to 400 protective masks.
This is just one of many contributions FORPS make to school projects throughout the academic year, with the group also supporting worthy causes in the region and beyond.
They have been particularly instrumental in raising money for the school’s ongoing charity work in Uganda.
Production has increased considerably regarding the project in the last few days, with the school now working with six 3D printers to create 100 masks per day.
Our #DesignTechnology department, together with #SixthForm pupil Jamie, have increased production of PPE during the #coronavirus pandemic.
They are now making 100 protective masks per day thanks to the acquisition of five additional 3D printers. 👏
📰📷: https://t.co/sdvTNXfewE pic.twitter.com/0pmBsJ11GZ
— Rydal Penrhos School (@RydalPenrhos) April 14, 2020
They are being distributed to NHS staff and to keyworker facilities across the region.
Senior School head Sally Ann Harding, said: “This is a fantastic gesture from FORPS and one that will go a long way to ensuring our keyworkers across the region have the necessary protection during the coronavirus pandemic.
“They do so much incredible work to support Rydal Penrhos in so many different ways, and it is something we hope will continue long into the future.”
Anyone with any materials to spare can email SJames@rydalpenrhos.com with the relevant information.
Those requiring PPE can also email Miss James with their specific request.
Those wishing to donate to the project can do so here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/sarah039s-campaign-for-rydal-penrhos-limited.