Year 1 and 2 pupils at Rydal Penrhos got a Forest School session in the snow as part of their ongoing outdoor education programme.
Rydal Penrhos has the most incredible woodland area available on site. It is a natural progression for us to have a comprehensive Forest School provision as part of the well-rounded education offered at the school.
This exciting natural environment focuses on providing a safe outdoor learning experience. One in which children are encouraged to explore, discover, investigate and take suitable risks.
What could be a better way for children to learn than being outside and discovering things for themselves? And Rydal Penrhos has the facilities available to accommodate this essential part of learning.
A chosen theme could be based on a personal attribute, such as co-operation or creativity; helping to encourage personal development; or it may be based on a curriculum topic –mathematics, history, art or science.
It could even be more overtly about the forest – wildlife, habitats, trees, sticks, or weather-related. Whatever the theme, our Forest School offers all the children wonderful opportunities for learning at many levels.
Even though there was a chilly feel this week thanks to recent snowfall, this didn’t stop Year 1 and 2 pupils from getting into the outdoors for a Forest School session with a difference.
Under the watchful eye of Mrs Jude Pyves and other staff, pupils worked together on some thought-provoking activities that enhanced key skills such as communication, teamwork and cognitive development.
In recognition of their outstanding commitment, pupils were given some free time before their time in the first concluded, which caused great excitement with snowballs, snowmen and everything in between within a safe environment.
Anyone wishing to enquire about Rydal Penrhos School can do so by calling 01492 530155, emailing admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or registering your interest online.