Rydal Penrhos senior school artists finish the autumn term on a high.
One of the main benefits of a Rydal Penrhos education is variety. There really is something for everyone and this is a cornerstone behind the school’s rich history of success.
Whether you are academic, have a passion for sport, or the arts, teaching staff at Rydal Penrhos strive to ensure that each pupil’s interests are nurtured and guided in a positive direction to help them reach their respective goals.
This is no more evident than within the school’s Art department, with staff doing an exceptional job both during the lockdown and amid the current COVID-19 restrictions to put on a diverse, thought-provoking curriculum that builds new skills and enhances creativity.
You don’t have to look far across the senior school site to see just how many special things going on during Art lessons. Rydal Penrhos virtually looks like an art gallery most of the time, a testament to the tireless work and dedication of Mark Sherrington and Suzy Morris, who go above and beyond the call of duty on a daily basis for their pupils.
Mr Sherrington took some time out of his busy schedule at the end of term to put on another installation, which consists of current and past pupils’ portrait work. The idea behind the gallery was to show the diversity of work that comes out when he gives a subject as simple as a portrait. The philosophy behind the Art department is to let each pupil try all different mediums and discover what is their form of expression and then let them explore that further.
Year 8 also got to grips with some portrait work with Mrs Morris before they headed off on their well-deserved Christmas break, producing intricate colourful reverse perspective pieces that really catch the eye.
Mr Sherrington, said: “For Mrs Morris and I, it remains a delight to teach such enthusiastic and talented pupils and we always appreciate the very unique space we have in school.
“Because of the high teacher to pupil ratio, we have the time to be able to enable pupils to explore and expand on their artistic interests and talents as individuals.”
Rydal Penrhos is now able to offer private tours to prospective pupils and their families.
For more information email admissions@rydalpenrhos.com or book online at https://rydal.wpengine.com/open-days-visits.