From Thursday 25 January 2024, pupils at Rydal Penrhos will benefit from access to Tootoot, a pupil voice and safeguarding web tool and app.
At Rydal Penrhos, safeguarding our pupils is the first and most important priority.
This strong focus on the health, well-being and rights of our children and young people is something that makes us particularly proud. An independent safeguarding audit commissioned through the Methodist Independent Schools Trust last spring was extremely complimentary about the school’s pupils, staff, protocols, procedures, and training.
Ever searching for means to improve our safeguarding practices, Rydal Penrhos is delighted to announce the introduction of Tootoot. Used by more than half a million students around the world, Tootoot makes it simple for pupils to report anything from bullying to mental health concerns.
The user-friendly app allows teachers to survey and measure wellbeing across the school, while also making it easier for pupils to speak-up and report their concerns. Tootoot will provide Rydal Penrhos pupils further confidence that their concerns are being considered seriously, without fear or stigma.
Vice-Principal and Designated Safeguarding Leader Mr Andrew Thomas said: “This web-based safeguarding tool empowers young people to report bullying, school-related problems, or any concerns they may have in a safe, anonymous, and confidential way. Our dedicated pastoral leaders and safeguarding team will handle and resolve each case with care.”
The app will automatically appear on pupil iPads tomorrow. Rydal Penrhos has provided iPads to pupils as standard for several years, which has benefitted teaching and learning across a range of use cases. The school is currently overseeing the rollout of new generation iPads to replace the previous models, ensuring our pupils enjoy access to the best tools and technology.
Pupils and parents can expect detailed communications about Tootoot in the coming days. We look forward to seeing how this new safeguarding tool helps further consolidate our supportive, inclusive, and thoughtful approach to pastoral care and pupil wellbeing.