Volunteers sought for Archives Day
March 12, 2020

Rydal Penrhos will be holding a special event for any former pupils wishing to assist with a historical project.

The school will be hosting an Archives Day on Tuesday, March 31, which will give those in attendance the chance to view some of the school’s documented history and memorabilia.

Pupil liaison offer Sarah James is asking for volunteers to assist her with the organising the vast archive area to ensure they are arranged for future generations to enjoy for years to come.

Miss James has been working hard on detailing each item in storage, which had plenty of support from former pupils during the half-term break.

Anyone wishing to attend can meet in the senior school reception at 9.30am, and lunch will be provided for any volunteers at 1pm.

Miss James, said: “I have recently been sorting through our archives and on this note, I am appealing for your help and valuable knowledge in sorting through them.

“Our Archives Day will be a great way for alumni to assist with organising the incredible items and take a trip down memory lane.”

Those wishing to participate in Rydal Penrhos’ upcoming Archives Day can contact Sarah James via email on SJames@rydalpenrhos.com or call 01492 530155.