Mrs Roberts’ Pre-School blog: November 8
November 8, 2019

Rydal Penrhos Pre-School department head Louise Roberts returns with her weekly round-up, describing what went on during an incredibly busy few days following the half-term break:

This week the children used the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to enhance their learning.

We provided opportunities for the children to share and take turns when making things for the displays, and also discussed taking other people’s things like Jack did in the story.

We read various versions of the story and the children were asked to describe what the giant looked like and then copied words onto paper.

The children used beans for counting activities, grouping into sets and discussing size and shape, in addition to planting broad bean seeds and used words to describe different kinds of seeds.

The children worked hard to construct many things in the creative areas and made large fruits, vegetables and food out of play dough.

Coastal School, gym, music, stories and singing with Rev’d Sissons were another extremely beneficial elements of what was a fantastic first week back following the half-term break.

Extra small group numeracy and literacy sessions took place every day as usual.

Mrs L Roberts

Pre-School department head